Cronicle of my first year with a unit and my first deployment. Enjoy!

Saturday, April 30, 2005

A New Post!!!

Well if there's one thing I'm definitely learning out here it is patience. If it's not one thing - it's another. Well at least I'm comforted in the fact that this is something that everyone goes through in their life. I'm also comforted in the fact that things can always be a hell of a lot worse. For those of you that have no idea what I'm talking about-

I am now staying at least an extra week in Kuwait. Which is okay, but I just feel like I'm been thrown around the entire theater and I never know where I'm going to be the next month. This is okay, but sometimes hard to deal with. I guess I'm just being a baby, what do you guys think? At least I still have my health, and I guess if I look at the silver lining I still have a whole lot to be happy about.

I guess just looking at it what frustrates me is having to put up with things that really are just not necessary. Like, it's just frustrating knowing that because someone doesn't listen to someone else that is reasonable, 30 peoples' lives become that much more complicated, and there's nothing you can do about it. I think that's just the part that really gets to me; this feeling of helplessness that can overcome you sometimes. At least I'll come out a better person; more patience , more understanding, and a lot less confrontational.

Me and Steve

Me and Steve, originally uploaded by kmpatrick.


Sandstorm, originally uploaded by kmpatrick.

Hello! 60mph winds and a heck of a lot of sand!

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Countdown Clock

Hey all! I hope everyone is doing well. I just wanted to leave a little note about my countdown clock. If you look to the right sidebar you should see a countdown clock. Its the approximate time until I come home. I don't want anyone to think that it's an exact science, cause there's always a possibility I'll be staying here a few months more than expected. However this clock is counting down to December 10th 2005. Which is an approximate date anyway.

Not much else going on here. Miss you guys so much.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

26 April 2005

If If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies, Or, being hated, don't give way to hating, And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise; If you can dream - and not make dreams your master; If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim; If you can meet with triumph and disaster And treat those two imposters just the same; If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, Or watch the things you gave your life to broken, And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools; If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, And lose, and start again at your beginnings And never breath a word about your loss; If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on"; If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch; If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you; If all men count with you, but none too much; If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds' worth of distance run - Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!

Rudyard Kipling

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Missing Home

Well its about two more weeks down here and I get to go back north. I think it's a little unclear where I'll be going up north, but one way or another I'll be going. I'm excited about it, because down here is one big mess. Not to mention this whole night shift thing is wearing me out. One big advantage is that I have a lot of down time, and I've had a chance to catch up on my workouts. I'm getting back into the shape I was in last summer when I was working at UIC. I don't think I realized it then, but I was in darn good shape. I think that with two more weeks here I can get into a bit of a habit and get back into shape. So by the time I come home, I'll be in good enough shape to go on vacation! Haha. Anyway, like I said things are pretty quiet here. I've had a lot of time to catch up on reading and studying.

You know when I first left I would try to picture in my mind how long a year would feel like. I kept thinking, "well, what was I doing a year ago, and does that feel like a long time ago?" The weird thing about that is depending on the time of the year, it really feels like sometimes the past year went by so fast, and sometimes it went b so slow. I am quickly approaching my first year anniversary on active duty. Less than two months away, and I can remember graduation like it was yesterday. It seems like it was just yesterday that I was putting on my cap and gown and walking across the stage saying goodbye to DePaul and my undergraduate life forever. On the other hand it feels like forever ago that I sat in my northside apartment getting ready for one of my last lunches with my Anshe Sholom friends. It seems like forever ago I had to say goodbye to all of them, and it seems like forever before I'll get to see any of them again. It seems like forever before I get to see all of you again. The amazing thing about all of that though, is the ability to put it in perspective. Sometimes a year flies by...Luckily for me this year is one of those years. I miss you guys all so much, but don't worry; I'll be home before you even realize it.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

A Few Days Later

Okay folks, sorry about the time between posts lately, but I don't want to post too much boring stuff, so I'm trying to wait until I have something to talk about. Since there's not a whole lot going on here, it makes it hard to post everyday. So with that said, thanks for staying loyal and for being a part of my life through this. It's good to know that I'm still connecting with family and friends around the world.

So anyway on with my past few days. I'm really beginning to settle in here with my new group. I have a great shift, and the Soldiers that I work with are really great. I didn't think I'd like this job, but it really is great knowing that we're here to help Soldiers. We work with them to help them get north or home or wherever they need to go, and in cases where it's emergency leave, it's really awesome knowing that you have the power to help them get home just a little bit faster. That really makes it all worth it.

I've also been working on what I want to do when I get home a bit. You know, I'm really not ready to go back to school. Especially after the very sour taste DePaul has left. That school was terrible, talk about not caring one bit about their students. Anyway, so I have been looking at some stuff online and I decided to order an Anatomy and Physiology book. So I just got that today; very exciting. So that will give me something to do when I'm bored. Also today, I got a package from Stephanie! Thanks Steph! It's awesome. I love everything; especially the flag (Illinois) and the bottle opener! Very neat surprises! I really appreciate it, its so nice. Thanks for the samples too. Anyway, you know sometimes that really is the most exciting part of my day; getting packages. I feel like a little kid sometimes, but you know, it really helps me feel connected. Thanks guys. Have a good night.

Saturday, April 16, 2005


Cousins, originally uploaded by kmpatrick.

In honor of the previous blog on family, here is a picture of me, Marybeth, Kerry, and Chris!


It's really hard to talk about what's going on, when there's not a whole lot actually going on. My nights are rather uneventful, and I work out and sleep during the day. It's really nice to have a break out here, cause I know when I get back north I'll be busy again.

You know one thing that did happen. I got an e-mail from Chris that her wedding pictures came in. They were very beautiful. As I was looking through them, it suddenly occurred to me how much I really am missing. I know I wasn't around a whole lot when I was living in Chicago, but I still felt connected, and like I knew what was going on in the family. Somehow out here I guess I just miss that day to day stuff that no one really thinks is important to pass on, and most of the time it really isn't important; I think it just helps us a people to connect to each other, and when you miss it, you miss some of that connection. I think looking through Chris' wedding, and realizing that I really missed it, being out here really hit me.

For those of you that don't know my mom's side of the family too well, Chris is my cousin. Chris and I have had a strange relationship over the years. Sometimes we were best friends, and sometimes we wouldn't talk to each other for months. All in all though, I always looked up to Chris as my big cousin, a strong woman, and even in our worst times one of my best friends. I don't know how to explain it, but I feel that I've missed something huge in this family; not only Chris' wedding (which is huge), but yet another event in which the family bonds and I've missed. And looking through her wedding pictures, it really made me start thinking about how much I miss family. I guess I'm just being mushy and emotional, but that's all part of the deal I guess right? Anyway-- to all my family, I miss you guys and I hope that when I come home I get to spend some real quality time with you.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

The Joys of Night Shift

Well it's about midnight here in Kuwait, and I just started my shift. It's going to be another 8 hours of excitement. Ha. Well the one good thing about being in Kuwait-- I get mail a whole hell of a lot faster. It's amzing, its almost like regular international mail. haha. Anyway, did I tell everyone that I'll only be in Kuwait for a month? I'm pretty happy that this tour isn't getting wasted in Kuwait. Anyway--

The next few days seem like they're going to be a little more exciting. We have a few things going on that will keep me busy, so I'm happy about that. I got a box from Mom today-- thanks mom! I really like the book you sent- "Highlighted in Yellow." I have only read a few pages, but it looks like a tear-jerker. I also got some awesome White Sox stuff from her--thanks! I can't wait to be home again next summer so I can go to a baseball game. Those are really the best.

So is it getting warmer in the States yet? We had a thunderstorm the other day - that was so awseome; I haven't been in a thunderstorm in months, and it was really refreshing. You know out here you learn to appreciate the little things in life; like thunderstorms and hot coffee and five minutes of totaly silence. I'm not going to be able to sleep when I get home I think, because it will be too quiet. It's already a little wierd out here seeing that there's really nothing going on like there is back up North. I know a lot of you don't understand why I would put myself in danger - to risk not coming back in one piece- to risk so much. But I there are a lot of you that do understand why I do that; and I thank you that do understand, you're why I'm here, you're why I'm proud to be an American, you're why I'm willing to go North. It's me who should be thanking you. For those of you who don't understand why I would be willing to sacrafice- I say I'm sorry. Somewhere along the line maybe you've become jaded or lost or ignorant, I'm not sure what's happened to you, but for you I am willing to sacrafice too- in the hopes that one day you might just get it. Maybe one day you'll wake up and realize that there are bigger things in this world than just me and you, and our lives, sanity, and homes. There is more to life than "me, me, me" there is a whole big world out there, and I just hope that one day you come to understand that a little better. Goodnight everyone. Sleep tight.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Steve at Work

Steve at Work, originally uploaded by kmpatrick.

Here is a picture of Steve teaching high school kids what smokers lungs look like.


Tyler, originally uploaded by kmpatrick.

This is Tyler; the cutest beagle in Florida!

Another Day in My Shoes...

Wow, talk about a crazy few days. First of all looks like I'll be stuck out here for about a month. Hopefully less, but at least it looks like I won't have to stay in Kuwait. So here's the story:

I have to stay down here for a while and learn the process, so theoretically if our battalion has to take over the mission, I can tell everyone what to do. Too bad I'm not doing anything the BN would be doing if they're taking over the mission. So whatever. I can totally deal with spending a month down here.

So as of right now I'll be going from here to BIAP and taking over the mission there. So guess what that means? Yep! A new address! Hahaha! Have no fear you can mail me stuff here for like another week or so, and I should still get it before I leave. I deleted the post with my address, so if you need it just e-mail me, and I'll send it to you. I got a box from Marybeth today (Thanks!) and she sent it on the 5th, so that's only 5 days. It's a much faster process here in Kuwait to get mail because it comes straight here. Iraq is a whole different ballgame. So, anyway, I'll be here for a while. I'll let you know when I'm in Iraq again, just plan like a month or so.

Things out here aren't too bad. I'm working night shift here right now, 12-8, so it's not too bad. That's evening for you guys, so it works out better for talking to people back at home. I'm living in a pod, its about 20' long by 7' high, and I share it. It's not too bad, except my roommate likes to lock me in the room when she leaves. Long story! We also get to wear civilian clothes when we're not on duty, which is pretty cool. I don't have a whole lot of downtime, and this shift change is a lot like jet lag, so I'm trying to sleep whenever I can. It gets hard around 6am when I'm just exhausted, and this job doesn't have a whole lot to it a lot of the time, so I'm pretty bored. In my opinion, there really doesn't need to be a night officer working, but whatever, I'm only here for a month.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

New Adventures

Well I've made it to Kuwait. Perhaps for good, perhaps not. One thing is for sure, I am learning how to pack my things up and go as fast as I need to. Looks like I may be going back to Iraq sooner than I thought. I hope so, it's a little too nice here. I know a lot of you are happy that I'm here and safer, but I'm just not. You know I joined the Army to fight for my country and to defend our way of life, not to sit in some plush office in Kuwait. I'd rather sit in a plush office in Balad (hehe). Anyway, at least for the time being I will be here. I should know within a week or so if I'll be staying or not. Hopefully its a not, but whatever. I'm learning to take what comes and to deal with it. Its really come down to this for me: I don't care what I have to do, where I have to do it, and who I have to do it for, as long as I have a place to rest my head at night alone. You that know me, know that I'm a big fan of personal space, so as long as I have that I'll be a happy person. Anyway...

I'll try to take some pictures of what its like here in Kuwait. I'm living in a trailer like thing that I'm sharing with a Captain, she seems nice. We have a TV and DVD player in there; told you it was nice. I also have a nice wall locker. Overall, I can deal with it out here, it's just more not being with my unit. Anyway, enough complaining from Kate. Miss you guys!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

New Baby!

Wow, I just heard how high gas prices are back at home! Sorry guys!

Anyway, I just wanted to congratulate Julie and Chris who are expecting a baby coming this November! For those of you who don't know, Chris is one of Steve's brothers, and Julie is his sister-in-law. My prayers are with you both! To a healthy and happy baby!

A Few Days Later

You know sometimes the evening just creeps up on you. You just look at your watch, and it’s already 1130 at night and you’re just sitting down back in your room for the first time since 8am that morning. I wish I could say that there were more days not like that, but no. Although, I can say that every minute that I work, is a minute that I’m happy. I really love working for these Soldiers, I never thought it would be so great.

I got the best e-mail the other day from CJ. For those of you on the Minnich side of the family, CJ is Steve’s nephew, and about the cutest little boy in the world! Well I got an e-mail from him courtesy of his gramma. I was informed that I am going to get some toys when I get home, and I am so excited! Thank you CJ! I also heard that the Belford family had a great Easter, but I had to miss calling them. Sorry guys! I hope you all are doing well, and thanks for the cards!

On the Minnich side, I hear that Chris got her DVD of her wedding, and I can’t wait to see it. I’ll be in Kuwait within the next week, so hopefully I’ll get it there. I’m also very excited to get that!

Anyway, don’t forget that you can always add to this blog by posting comments!

Sunday, April 03, 2005

3 April 2005

Okay, well what did everyone think of the pictures. I just got my digital sent to me, so as soon as I find a way to upload my pictures from that, I'll post some more.

Not much is going on here. We had an organizational day, meaning that we played mini-golf. Yes, there is a mini-golf course here! Thanks to the Air Force. Man, I never realized how good they had it. They have their own movie theater, gym, mini-golf course, and rec center. Air Force only deploys for a max of 4 months too. Anyway, we had a good time at mini-golf. It was set up pretty neat, and it had 9 holes.

I really don't have a whole lot to talk about. There's some pretty cool stuff out here, I can't wait to get home to tell everyone all about my time out here. Right now it's Sunday, and everyone is at Grandma's and Grandpa's hanging out and BS'ing. I'm sure arguing about something or other. You know some people would think that's not too exciting, but I definitely miss it. I can't wait to sit down and have a nice cup of coffee. The good thing about Kuwait is that I can wear civilian clothes when I'm not on duty.

Okay, well I think I've bored you all enough!