Cronicle of my first year with a unit and my first deployment. Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

The Joys of Night Shift

Well it's about midnight here in Kuwait, and I just started my shift. It's going to be another 8 hours of excitement. Ha. Well the one good thing about being in Kuwait-- I get mail a whole hell of a lot faster. It's amzing, its almost like regular international mail. haha. Anyway, did I tell everyone that I'll only be in Kuwait for a month? I'm pretty happy that this tour isn't getting wasted in Kuwait. Anyway--

The next few days seem like they're going to be a little more exciting. We have a few things going on that will keep me busy, so I'm happy about that. I got a box from Mom today-- thanks mom! I really like the book you sent- "Highlighted in Yellow." I have only read a few pages, but it looks like a tear-jerker. I also got some awesome White Sox stuff from her--thanks! I can't wait to be home again next summer so I can go to a baseball game. Those are really the best.

So is it getting warmer in the States yet? We had a thunderstorm the other day - that was so awseome; I haven't been in a thunderstorm in months, and it was really refreshing. You know out here you learn to appreciate the little things in life; like thunderstorms and hot coffee and five minutes of totaly silence. I'm not going to be able to sleep when I get home I think, because it will be too quiet. It's already a little wierd out here seeing that there's really nothing going on like there is back up North. I know a lot of you don't understand why I would put myself in danger - to risk not coming back in one piece- to risk so much. But I there are a lot of you that do understand why I do that; and I thank you that do understand, you're why I'm here, you're why I'm proud to be an American, you're why I'm willing to go North. It's me who should be thanking you. For those of you who don't understand why I would be willing to sacrafice- I say I'm sorry. Somewhere along the line maybe you've become jaded or lost or ignorant, I'm not sure what's happened to you, but for you I am willing to sacrafice too- in the hopes that one day you might just get it. Maybe one day you'll wake up and realize that there are bigger things in this world than just me and you, and our lives, sanity, and homes. There is more to life than "me, me, me" there is a whole big world out there, and I just hope that one day you come to understand that a little better. Goodnight everyone. Sleep tight.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well put sis. I miss you lots.

April 14, 2005 4:48 AM


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