Cronicle of my first year with a unit and my first deployment. Enjoy!

Sunday, April 03, 2005

3 April 2005

Okay, well what did everyone think of the pictures. I just got my digital sent to me, so as soon as I find a way to upload my pictures from that, I'll post some more.

Not much is going on here. We had an organizational day, meaning that we played mini-golf. Yes, there is a mini-golf course here! Thanks to the Air Force. Man, I never realized how good they had it. They have their own movie theater, gym, mini-golf course, and rec center. Air Force only deploys for a max of 4 months too. Anyway, we had a good time at mini-golf. It was set up pretty neat, and it had 9 holes.

I really don't have a whole lot to talk about. There's some pretty cool stuff out here, I can't wait to get home to tell everyone all about my time out here. Right now it's Sunday, and everyone is at Grandma's and Grandpa's hanging out and BS'ing. I'm sure arguing about something or other. You know some people would think that's not too exciting, but I definitely miss it. I can't wait to sit down and have a nice cup of coffee. The good thing about Kuwait is that I can wear civilian clothes when I'm not on duty.

Okay, well I think I've bored you all enough!


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