29 March 2005
Ok, well I guess it's been a few days since I posted. Things have once again been a little crazy out here. It was good to talk to everyone on Easter though. I am surprised how fast Easter has come. Thank goodness. I am already counting down the days until I get to redeploy.
Looks like I won't be staying in Iraq though. I know many of you are happy to hear that, but alas, I'm not too happy about it. It's funny you know; most people are afraid that they're going to get deployed to Iraq, but hell, I tried to volunteer to go, and I can't even stay here. It's a little upsetting. Oh well, I think that I've definately gotten a good taste of what it's like to be out here. Kuwait will be nice though. I get to wear civilian clothes when I'm not on duty, so that's pretty sweet. I have a pair of grey pajama pants that I can't wait to sleep in. I've been sleeping in Army PT's since I've been out here.
Well, I'd love to hear from everyone. I got a box from Mom yesterday; thanks! Also, if anyone is going to send me a package, please wait until I get my address in Kuwait, because if not, it will just have to get forwarded to me down there anyway. It is very exciting to get packages and letters!
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