Cronicle of my first year with a unit and my first deployment. Enjoy!

Sunday, March 20, 2005

20 March 2005

Hey all, sorry it's been so long since my last post. It's been a crazy couple of days. I'm leaving for Kuwait tomorrow morning, but I'll only be there for the week. Then I'll have to come back report on what I think, and then they'll decide if I go to Kuwait or not. I dunno, the more I think about it the better Kuwait seems. We'll see how it works out.

Anyway, things here haven't been too bad. I really like my new room, its cozy and I have my own TV, with AFN (armed forces network). It's about six channels, and a lot of the time there's nothing on, but hey, I'm not complaining. It's a great set up. Much better than I ever thought.

Oh, and I've decided to get my hair cut! I've been thinking about it for ages, but I was trying to hold out and not do it. However, pulling my hair up everyday is really getting to me. It's definitely too tight, and half the time it doesn't stay up. So as soon as I get it cut, I'll send a picture to my blog as soon as I can. It's definitely a hard choice, but I think it'll look good, and I'll be better off. Miss you all!


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