Cronicle of my first year with a unit and my first deployment. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

16 March 2005

Just so everyone knows, I've been having a hard time posting to my blog lately. So if I don't post everyday- have no fear! I will post again as soon as possible.

I've been trying to organize the company in the past few days. Getting all the vechicles situated, keys in order, all that fun stuff. I'm on and off busy. Did you ever have those days where you thought you didn't have a lot to do, and then you go out to do it, and find out you have more than you ever thought? It seems like that happens more often than not. Like today, I sat at my desk thinking, "Hey, I only have to write a few memos." I ended up not getting off work until like 8pm.

So I sent out my first letters the other day. I don't have a lot of your address anymore, so if you could e-mail it to me that would be great! I can't wait to hear from you guys, and I'm glad you're here reading this. I'm glad I can share my experiences with you guys! Miss you tons!


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