Cronicle of my first year with a unit and my first deployment. Enjoy!

Saturday, May 07, 2005


Hey all! Wow, has it been a crazy week or so! Sorry it's once again been a while since I've posted. I know a lot of you check back a lot, and it's terrible of me not to post as often as I should. My bad! Anyway, I think this post will be well worth it.

So the last few days I've had the honor of escorting a General around Kuwait. What an experience. Mostly because the General was a female, and there are only like 15 female General Officers in the Army. It was really a great experience. I know I was really iffy about coming down here to Kuwait (okay, I was totally against it), but now I am really glad I had the opportunity to grow out here. I've really had a good time over the last few days, this General was really laid back, and you could really talk to her; I was so impressed. Not only that; she actually met Condelezza Rice and the President! I think it was the first time in my life that I've ever really been even remotely "star struck." I just think that is amazing; it would be amazing to meet either of them- I could even believe both! Anyway, so we got to escort her and her party around Kuwait- and she commended us on our good job :)! I know that's silly, but I just can't even put into words how great of an experince the past few days have been! And to top it all off...

I'm going back to Balad tonight!! Yay! I mean I'll only be there for a little while, but I will be in BIAP after that; and at least I'll be in Iraq. I know a lot of you are worried; but have no fear. I'm safe and sound, maybe not literally, but I think I've really come to a new peace of mind. Those of you that have known me for years may have notice that I've calmed down a lot in the past year, becoming more laid back, worring about less, and being more open to things in general. Well, I really think that this month in Kuwait has somehow really taught me something about the change that goes on in life and how much we as people can really learn to adapt to pretty much anything if we want to.

I mean I look at myself just a month ago; how against this move to Kuwait I was. And now I think ahead-- "What if I get moved again? and again? Will I be as upset as I was in the past?" Honesty, I think that I'm learing to take these kind of things as a gift. I mean I thought that I wouldn't learn anything out here, and that it would really be a total waste of my time. While I won't say that I felt totally needed, I really do feel like I've been able to take something out of this assignment, and really grow from it. Not only do I feel like I know more about the way things work as an LNO (liason officer), I really feel like I've learned a lot about how I work, and about what I want out of life. I know that might sound really rediculous, but sometimes life just gives you a swift kiss in the arse that maybe should have been come a long time ago; or maybe it's just been missing you for a while. Either way, I think this month the foot just found me, and you know what- I'm really glad for it. I miss you guys a ton. Oh, and dad sent me a really funny link. Just click on the title of this post.


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