Ok, so what's it been? Like a week or so since I've given an actual post? My bad. I have a little time now, so sit down and get comfy...you may want a nice cup of tea or something.
Well I am finally settled into BIAP, and now the OIC. I am very exited that I finally have a real job, and now I think that I will be here for a while. I guess in deployment terms that means more than 30 days. Things out here are pretty nice. I've managed to settle in pretty well. I think it's going to be a shock to my system when I finally get home and have my own space again. Anything bigger than 9x9 space and I'm rolling in it! haha. It's not too bad though - like I've said a million times, you really do learn to appreciate the little things in life.
Otherwise BIAP is great, you can take a short ride and get to the palace (you know the one I have the picture of) and to a great DFAC (dining facility). Hah, out here you start rating DFACs like restaurants. Like I would say Camp Doha is a 1 star and Camp Victory (here) is like a 4 1/2 star. So I try to get out there as much as possible, and I will try to take my Soldiers there too. The closer DFAC is kinda sucky, and they don't have a whole lot of amenities for the Soldiers out here, so I am going to do my best to make their lives a little easier. Like we're trying to get them moved out of the tents, and into trailers- more living space and more health-friendly. However the tents we're living in now are pretty nice- they stay very cool during the day. You know it's funny when you walk outside and you think that 90 degrees is cooling down. nice. And it's only mid-May. I can't wait till July. I dunno though, July has always been one of my favorite months. It's exciting- warm weather, walking around at night, baseball, and BBQs. I know I will really be kicking back net July!
Well I spent a few days in Balad too. Wow, back at home again! Man I forgot how great Balad is. They opened an outdoor pool! I think it's the only authorized outdoor pool in theater, and man did it rock. I was only there for a few hours, and I probably won't go back to Balad for a while, but man did I enjoy it. I mean outside of all the politics of being there, but I think I'm really learning to deal with it. Also we had our combat patch ceremony. A combat patch is worn on your right shoulder above the US flag. It's a sign that you have been deployed in a combat zone, and it's a big deal to get it, so I just wanted everyone to know; once I get them sewn on, I will definitely post a picture.
Okay, and finally. For those of you that have not heard- as of right now I will not be coming home with my unit as originally planned. I know it was really up in the air for a while, but now I think it's pretty definite that I won't be coming home until like the end of January or February. I will keep everyone posted and updated. We are still trying to get me to come home with Fox...if I've ever needed prayers before. Okay, I've talked your ears off enough. Hope the tea was good.