Cronicle of my first year with a unit and my first deployment. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Hello this is Steve. Kate wanted me to post on her blog to tell everyone that they have blocked this website so she cannot post directly to it for now. I am going to be the intermediate so I will post whatever she e-mails me. So please continue to view her blog. Thanks

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Holy Poop

Okay, I know I was doing good for a while right? Seems like for the first time since I've gotten out here I'm actually working! I'm totally autonomus, so I have been hella busy. I just wanted to let everyone know I'm doing great- getting ready to move into trailers. Pretty exciting. Not a whole lot going on that I can talk about. I work mostly with flights going in and out of Iraq, so I have to keep it under wraps!

I can say that its a very busy, and very exciting job, and I am finally happy. I miss y'all! hehe!

Saturday, May 21, 2005


Wow, hey, welcome to the real world of playing politics. Something that they should really teach you in college. I guess I missed that class huh? I have decided that I officially hate politics, and besides I'm no good at it anyway. I've good entirely too many people pushing me in too many directions- the fun part is trying to make it all work without stepping on people's toes. Ha! It's great.

All in all though, everything is going really well. I guess I miss the national broadcast of Toby Keith, I could've gone, but I didn't. Next time I'll know and I'll let everyone know so they can look for me. hah, I told the guy who arranges the USO trips that I want him to bring in Dave Matthews. I'm sure that will never happen. Anyway, there's not a whole lot happening. I'm spending most of my time learning my new job. It's great too, I really love it. I mean there are always challenges, but I think that's the best part. Hopefully I will get some new pictures up soon. Miss you all!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

A day at a time

It's been a long day; good but long. I hope everyone is okay- I miss you, I miss home.

Monday, May 16, 2005

20 Questions

Okay, so I'm back again. Can you believe it? Two posts in a week. I know, I know, but now that I'm settled again, I'm good. Like I said I should be here for at least two weeks..hehe. Anyway, today was pretty good.

I think that if I can make sure everyday was like today or better, than I'll be good. This morning was a little off. We had a slight miscommunication (okay big) manifesting Soldiers on flights to Kuwait. More or less a Soldier put too many people on a flight, and the people that got bumped were not happy about it. Ha, one E5 tried to get smart with me. I'll tell you one thing I've really learned to yell back and stand up for myself and my Soldiers. I told that E5 if he continued on the path he was on I would call the MP's on him, and he would have to go back to his unit and explain why he didn't get on R&R. That shut him up. I guess when Soldiers aren't around their chain of command they can get seriously disrespectful. It's a fine line to walk, cause you are really there to help them and do whatever you can to make their lives better, but sometimes all they really need is a swift kick in butt. So you do what you can to make their lives easier. Okay yall- thanks to those of you who have sent me e-mails! Thanks to Fries for the package- just got it today!

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Round Robin

Ok, so what's it been? Like a week or so since I've given an actual post? My bad. I have a little time now, so sit down and get may want a nice cup of tea or something.

Well I am finally settled into BIAP, and now the OIC. I am very exited that I finally have a real job, and now I think that I will be here for a while. I guess in deployment terms that means more than 30 days. Things out here are pretty nice. I've managed to settle in pretty well. I think it's going to be a shock to my system when I finally get home and have my own space again. Anything bigger than 9x9 space and I'm rolling in it! haha. It's not too bad though - like I've said a million times, you really do learn to appreciate the little things in life.

Otherwise BIAP is great, you can take a short ride and get to the palace (you know the one I have the picture of) and to a great DFAC (dining facility). Hah, out here you start rating DFACs like restaurants. Like I would say Camp Doha is a 1 star and Camp Victory (here) is like a 4 1/2 star. So I try to get out there as much as possible, and I will try to take my Soldiers there too. The closer DFAC is kinda sucky, and they don't have a whole lot of amenities for the Soldiers out here, so I am going to do my best to make their lives a little easier. Like we're trying to get them moved out of the tents, and into trailers- more living space and more health-friendly. However the tents we're living in now are pretty nice- they stay very cool during the day. You know it's funny when you walk outside and you think that 90 degrees is cooling down. nice. And it's only mid-May. I can't wait till July. I dunno though, July has always been one of my favorite months. It's exciting- warm weather, walking around at night, baseball, and BBQs. I know I will really be kicking back net July!

Well I spent a few days in Balad too. Wow, back at home again! Man I forgot how great Balad is. They opened an outdoor pool! I think it's the only authorized outdoor pool in theater, and man did it rock. I was only there for a few hours, and I probably won't go back to Balad for a while, but man did I enjoy it. I mean outside of all the politics of being there, but I think I'm really learning to deal with it. Also we had our combat patch ceremony. A combat patch is worn on your right shoulder above the US flag. It's a sign that you have been deployed in a combat zone, and it's a big deal to get it, so I just wanted everyone to know; once I get them sewn on, I will definitely post a picture.

Okay, and finally. For those of you that have not heard- as of right now I will not be coming home with my unit as originally planned. I know it was really up in the air for a while, but now I think it's pretty definite that I won't be coming home until like the end of January or February. I will keep everyone posted and updated. We are still trying to get me to come home with Fox...if I've ever needed prayers before. Okay, I've talked your ears off enough. Hope the tea was good.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Hey all. I don't have a ton of time to post, but I just wanted to let everyone know I'm okay. I've made it to Balad, and now I'm in BIAP. Looks like I'll be staying here for a while. Miss you all, look for some pictures and a nice long post coming soon!

Saturday, May 07, 2005


Hey all! Wow, has it been a crazy week or so! Sorry it's once again been a while since I've posted. I know a lot of you check back a lot, and it's terrible of me not to post as often as I should. My bad! Anyway, I think this post will be well worth it.

So the last few days I've had the honor of escorting a General around Kuwait. What an experience. Mostly because the General was a female, and there are only like 15 female General Officers in the Army. It was really a great experience. I know I was really iffy about coming down here to Kuwait (okay, I was totally against it), but now I am really glad I had the opportunity to grow out here. I've really had a good time over the last few days, this General was really laid back, and you could really talk to her; I was so impressed. Not only that; she actually met Condelezza Rice and the President! I think it was the first time in my life that I've ever really been even remotely "star struck." I just think that is amazing; it would be amazing to meet either of them- I could even believe both! Anyway, so we got to escort her and her party around Kuwait- and she commended us on our good job :)! I know that's silly, but I just can't even put into words how great of an experince the past few days have been! And to top it all off...

I'm going back to Balad tonight!! Yay! I mean I'll only be there for a little while, but I will be in BIAP after that; and at least I'll be in Iraq. I know a lot of you are worried; but have no fear. I'm safe and sound, maybe not literally, but I think I've really come to a new peace of mind. Those of you that have known me for years may have notice that I've calmed down a lot in the past year, becoming more laid back, worring about less, and being more open to things in general. Well, I really think that this month in Kuwait has somehow really taught me something about the change that goes on in life and how much we as people can really learn to adapt to pretty much anything if we want to.

I mean I look at myself just a month ago; how against this move to Kuwait I was. And now I think ahead-- "What if I get moved again? and again? Will I be as upset as I was in the past?" Honesty, I think that I'm learing to take these kind of things as a gift. I mean I thought that I wouldn't learn anything out here, and that it would really be a total waste of my time. While I won't say that I felt totally needed, I really do feel like I've been able to take something out of this assignment, and really grow from it. Not only do I feel like I know more about the way things work as an LNO (liason officer), I really feel like I've learned a lot about how I work, and about what I want out of life. I know that might sound really rediculous, but sometimes life just gives you a swift kiss in the arse that maybe should have been come a long time ago; or maybe it's just been missing you for a while. Either way, I think this month the foot just found me, and you know what- I'm really glad for it. I miss you guys a ton. Oh, and dad sent me a really funny link. Just click on the title of this post.

Sunday, May 01, 2005