Cronicle of my first year with a unit and my first deployment. Enjoy!

Monday, October 17, 2005


hey all, how is everyone today. well there's not much going on here, just having more fun than you can imagine. hah. i just wanted everyone to know that the SOX ARE GOING TO THE WORLD SERIES. this being my luck, it's the one year that i'm not in chicago, that they go to WS, but that's okay. it's more important for me to be out here, than doing anything else, so it's worth it. just want everyone to enjoy the game for me! and to you red sox fans out there, sorry, it must be the white sox turn this year. who knows, maybe even the cubs might have a chance next year. haha. miss you guys. hopefully i'll see you soon!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Mailing Packages

i just want to thank everyone again who has sent me stuff in the last year. it has probably been one thing that has helped me get through this deployment. but now, my deployment may being coming to an end. there is slim chance that i will be coming home in december; either way i will probably be leaving this address in the next two months. so thanks for the packages, and cards, but if you send them out after the 1st of november there is a very high chance that i won't be ale to receive the package. okay, guys, thanks again. i hope i can see you all soon.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Over and Over Again

Hey all, what's up? not much here, it's finally starting to cool down again. it was only like 98 degrees out today. haha, almost needed my jacket. i think it actually rained out here the other night. from what i've heard that may not really be a good thing, since the raining season isn't really suppose to be until november, and early rain means just a lot more rain during the normal season. all this dust just turns into yucky mud. oh well, only a couple more months. wow, i just can't believe that i am on may way to the end of this deployment.

i just have been preparing and been in this deployment for so long, i can barely imagine a life back in the states. i know it's going to be different that's for sure. it will be my first place all by myself (hopefully not long..steve), it will be the first time i've ever had a place that's not in or around chicago. i think that will be the biggest change. no big city. i think i won't be too much different from here. you know, except that we don't typically get mortared at ft. polk, haha. finally no putting on an IBA and Kevlar (flack vest and helmet) every time i walk outside. oh, and green. wow. like i said, i really miss grass and trees and foliage. that will be nice too. anyway.

so what is everyone up to out there? i miss you guys, and i just miss the normality of home, but you know, i'm lucky. i'm alive, and i'm healthy and i've got the best friends and family i could ever ask for. it's all about perspective. talk to you all soon.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Back Again part 2

well it's been a week since i've left the states, and wow, i never thought it could be harder to leave then when i first came out here. boy, how i was wrong. i'm not sure if its that i have no idea when i'm redeploying or that going home for two weeks was like having a breath of fresh air and then having it taken away, knowing that you can't breath again for months. maybe that sounds a little too much? sorry. i guess it really is just hard to be back, and it really hit me how much i miss everyone. i just can't believe that i'm finally on my down swing. at least i know that i only have four months left at the most. i really miss you guys, i think a lot more that you'll ever know.

i've not been getting a lot of sleep lately, and my countless waking hours give me plenty of time to think. sometimes i'm not even sure what the hell i'm doing, and sometimes i just think about what my friends and family are doing. i think to about how lucky i am, and a lot about our future. i just want to thank everyone again, for everything. you guys, i don't know what i would do without you. that you still care and that you didn't forget about me, and that you still support not only me, but all of us. thanks.