Cronicle of my first year with a unit and my first deployment. Enjoy!

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Back Again!

Okay, I am finally back in Balad.  For how long, now that’s a whole new question! Haha.  Anyway, I had a great time in Baghdad – okay well as great of a time as anyone can really have you know?  I was there for about a month, and learned a ton about air movement and how it works.  I realized I really like working on “the flight line”.  It’s pretty cool, you know learning about the inner workings of an Arial Port.  Okay, well I didn’t learn too much about the inner workings, but it definitely got me interested.  I was doing mostly manifesting.  It was great.


Balad isn’t too bad either though.  It’s good to be back where there’s a pool and a movie theater.  We are still living in tents, but hopefully not for too long.  I am trying to find out if we are going to be able to move back into the building soon.  I will have my own room there- whhhooo hooo.  That is going to be good.  I am really realizing how much alone time means, and how important it is.  Little things become more and more important.  Like today, there was fresh bread at the DFAC.  I never thought about it before, but I haven’t seen fresh bread since I left the states.  It’s like butter; you never see real butter here like back in the states.  You really learn to appreciate it.  I can’t wait to sit down at a restaurant again.  Wow, even a hole in the wall will be better than a DFAC.  Haha.   Well only 6 ½ months.  Miss you guys so much. 


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